Thursday, September 25, 2008

travel break plans

since my last post i have gone to two FCK soccer games and both were a lot of fun. On sunday we watched FCK beat the defending danish league champs (Aab) 3-0
Last night (weds) we saw them beat another danish team 2-1
we had great seats among some fun fans who stood the whole game and sang songs for the majority of the game
it was a great atmosphere and i can't wait for the next FCK game

i'm the process of trying to finalize my travel break plans. After my one week study tour to london and brussels i have two weeks off. Right now i'm planning on going straight to amsterdam after we finsh in brussels for a few days. Then flying to madrid for about 5 days. After that heading to athens for about another 5 days before heading back to copenhagen to start class again. I'm really excited to be on the road and see more of europe. Any suggestions of interesting things to do/see/whatever while in those cities would be greatly appreciated also.

On saturday i'm going to a social event with my family with an organization that they belong to. I think we are going to a restaurant for lunch and then coming back to our house with everyone for dessert and relaxing. Should be a lot of danish but a fun time.

Also, i'm going on a DIS lead fishing program on sunday, should be a lot of fun to get a little some-what deep sea fishing in. Hopefully the nice weather will hold.

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