Saturday, September 13, 2008

short study tour

so, i just returned this evening (saturday) from my short study tour to western denmark.  It was a lot of fun and it was great to see a different part of the country.  My study tour is with part of the IBE (International Business and Economics) program students.  

We started off the day before we left by visiting the NASDAQ OMX exchange in copenhagen. We got about an hour presentation from someone that works there.  On paper this sounds like a great visit, but it was not at all.  We basically were ushered into a big room and listened to the presentation they give to potential investors by someone who spoke decent english.   we didn't get to see any of the actual exchange and didn't really learn anything that coudln't be found out by reading the company's bio.   

Luckly, past performance was not a good indication of future results and the rest of the visits were interesting, education, and 100x better.  On Thursday we got on a bus on headed to western denmark.  Our first stop was at the Silkeborg Art musuem, which had some really cool modern abstract paintings.   

Next, we headed to Jyske Bank hq's for a presentation and tour.  Jyske bank is the second largest danish bank and is doing some interesting and new things in the field of personal banking.  Their banks are very unique and they have found different ways to package what appears to be simple and boring banking things.  Kind of hard to describe but it is cool what they are doing.  

We stayed in hostels during the trip and the first night we stayed in this little town way out there.  It seemed like a ghost town when we got there at about 7 on thursday night.  But the hostels we stayed at were nice.   

On friday we spent the better part of the morning at Vestas, the worldwide leader in the production of wind turbines.  They are rapidly expanding (they hope to double in size in three years) due to the massive surge in demand for alternative energy.  We got an in-depth tour of the factory that they build part of the turbines in and that was really cool.  Due to their rapid expansion they were not subtle about their opening of a plant in america and their need for more employees.  It sounds like an interesting and fast moving field to be in.

After vestas, we visited the north sea for a short amount of time and headed to our next hostel.  After dinner, we went to one of the strangest things i have ever witnessed.  It was "The beach boys in the wild west" production.  they sang parts of beach boys songs but in a wild west style.  for the first half they were dressed as cowboys and in the second half as indians  (but very politicaly incorrect)       it was crazy stuff with lots of "flying" people and musicans.  so that was different.

On saturday we went to Odense (the third largest city in denmark) and the city where Hans Christian Anderson was born.  We took a tour, had lunch, and explored the town on our own for a while.  after that we headed back to copenhagen

yeah, so i had a great time and it was fun to get to know the people in my group better.  i'm really excited for the week study tour in october to london and brussels, it should be a great time.   well, i'm really tired from all the traveling, adventures, and all around shenanigans.   Also, i'll try to steal some pictures from people on the trip and post them on here for you guys to see.  And on a sadder note, the FCK soccer game on sunday got moved until later in the month, so tomorrow i will be biking to a beer festival with my host family.  And i'm going to Tivoli (the amusement park) on weds with my creative industries for an "experience economy" assignment.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beach Boys in the Wild West? Wish I could've seen that. You sure you hadn't been eating any of the special brownies at the time?