Sunday, October 19, 2008


I am just finishing up packing for my next two weeks of travel (amsterdam=madrid-athens) so i thought i would update my blog quick. London and Brussels were both amazing in their own ways. I traveled this past week with my economics class, we went to different business meetings and such. London was great, i love being in a big city, you can really feel something different in london. Being able to see the big tourist attractions (big ben, buckingham palace, etc.) was fun and being to just spend time chilling in london was a great experience. We got to go to the european bank of reconstruction and development, similar to the world bank but they invest with a hope of a return unlike the world bank who more gives out money, and had a presentation in the board of directors boardroom, it was a great. We went on a walking tour of london's east end and also meet with london transport (they are in charge of the london underground, buses, and other public transportation in london. I also got to meet up with kerry york for a little bit and that was fun, she is studying in london currently.

After london we took a train to brussels, it lasted about 2 hours but seemed like 5 minutes to me as i feel asleep before i could turn my ipod on ( i slept holding my ipod the whole ride but not listening to it). My econ classmates liked hanging out at night and we had to get up early for business meetings and everything else we had planned for the day so i got very little sleep during the week. After arriving in brussels we had an amazing 3 course meal, which was consistent with the majority of the meals that DIS paid for. In brussels we stayed at this chinese hotel which was weird since everything was in french and chinese and some english. I really enjoyed walking around brussels, it is a gorgeous city and had some many great buildings. The grand place (a square in the middle of the city) was amazing and one of the coolest places i have been. There were chocolate stores everywhere and on the last day we visited chocolate planet for a presentation about making chocolate. For dinner one night i had belgium waffles with strawberries, bannanas, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce and it was one of the best things i have ever tasted. We also got to visit EU Parliament in brussels which was an amazing visit. Our tour was given by a former member of parliament who still works at parliament and we got a full behind the scenes look at the EU parliament. Our tour guide was a little crazy but a great guy and very funny. Friday night we headed back to copenhagen with a 13 hour bus ride, we got into copenhagen around 9 am and i headed home to sleep most of the day away.

I must finish packing now before it gets too late here.

For all of my pictures from london brussels click the follwing:
London 1
London 2

here is a sneak pic of the pics (if you don't have time or the link doesn't work):

Thursday, October 9, 2008

midterm week

I'm almost done with midterm week, i'm studying for my last midterm currently, which i will take this afternoon. its a been a pretty stressful week with 4 midterms and trying to get everything set in stone for the travel break. I think the only thing left is to actually book the hostel we picked in madrid.

We don't leave for our study tour until sunday (they had orginally told us saturday) and this means that i am able to go to a danish national soccer game (they are playing malta in a world cup qualifier) I'm really glad that i will be able to see a national game at parken and there has a been a lot of buzz about the danish team after they beat portugual on the road a few weeks back in their first world cup qualifier match. I also am getting into the game for free because I am going to help my family sell programs before the game starts. So not only will i make some money before the game starts (we get paid like a dollar per program we sell) but i also get into the game that is almost sold out (only single seat tickets left).

Around noon on sunday we fly to london for three nights. We are going to be staying in london's east ending (in hotels this time instead of hostels), we are going to Spamalot (monty python musical comedy) and a few business meetings.

Weds we take the train down to brussels for the rest of the study tour. We are going to get a tour of the EU parliament and meet with a few other business (not sure of the specifics) After brussels it's a long bus ride back to copenhagen. Then two days in copenhagen before flying out for amsterdam-madrid-athens.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

vistors, vega, and more pictures

abby, kira, and erica visited copenhagen for the last few days (they left thurs morning)
it was a lot of fun to see them and be able to hang out with them and do stuff around the city

monday night we went to rosh hashanah service with lynsey and a few other DIS students. That was interesting (about half the service was in hebrew and the other half in english). After service we got some hot dogs in the center of the city and walked around on the walking streets (cars can't drive on them).

Tuesday we meet in the city for breakfast and i went to the library to work on a presenation and they went to morning service. That night they all came over for a dinner with my host family at my house. We had a lot of fun after dinner; playing wii sports, foosball, and listening to music with my host brother. After a while we headed into the city for the rest of the night and had a great time.

Weds i worked on a project for a class i had at night. They went on canel tours and such in the city and at night we all hung out at erica's friend in denmark's house until the wee hours of the morning when they had to leave to catch their flight.

Tonight (thursday) i went with my creative industries class to Vega (a nightclub/music venue) one of the most popular places in copenhagen. we went on a behind the scenes look at how everything runs there and after that got to go to a concert, a really good belgium band was playing there.

also, i bought all of my plane tickets for my study tour, the only change is that i'm coming back to copenhagen for the weekend after brussels because anna and two of her friends are going to be in copenhagen and i want to be able to hang out with them

here are some pictures:

Parken stadium (where FCK and the national team plays):

FCK playing:

Tunnels below the castle i visited with my family:

Restraunt at Tivoli (the amusement park):